This dance was featured on BET yesterday and is all over You Tube. I LOVE IT!!! Chicken Noodle Soup with a soda on the side. Let it rain, now clear it out!!!!
Are the Pussycat Dolls Related to the Fanta Girls?

We saw one of those annoying "Wanna Fanta, Dontcha Wanna?" Fanta commercials today and thought about the super talented Pussycat Dolls ("Dontcha Wish Your Girlfriend was Hot Like Me?"). Dontcha think they have the same writer and probably the same manager, dontcha? We do! They might even be the related...LOL
Klassic Keisha Cole: "So Cursing is Keeping It Real?"

In case you don't want to listen to the interview, here are some highlights:
--Cursing isn't keeping it real
--A house is NOT a condo
--Keisha is different from DMX
--Keisha is NOT Mary J. Blige
--Five years from now Keisha doesn't know where she wants to be, but she bought her a house (not a condo!)
--She wants to be a "veterinary doctor" also known as a veterinarian
7.11 Ghetto Gossip
Lil' Kim's PR rep disses her in leaked email
Rule #4080: Industry people are shady. That applies to PR people as well. In what is probably one of her most embarrassing moments, Lil Kim's publicist 5WPR exec Tracey Nguyen sent an email to Britney Spear's manager Dan Dymtrow criticizing Spears' much-talked-about, unflattering interview with Matt Lauer.
According to Lowdown's Lloyd Grove who was given a copy of the email by Dymtrow, Nguyen wrote to Brit's manager: "I would NEVER allow any of my clients to do an interview, let alone such an important one as the one that Britney just did, without being there to make sure that the questions that were being asked were appropriate, and also to make sure that she looked her best on camera at all times."
Offering to handle Brit "for less than what your current publicist is charging you and do 10 times better of a job," Nguyen claimed: "A perfect example that I can present is what I was able to do for Lil' Kim. Two years ago, no one wanted to touch her. She was perceived as a raunchy rapper who had gone way too far with her plastic surgery. … I see Britney today in the same position that Kim was once in."
Lloyd Grove shared the email with Brit's longtime uber-publicist Leslie Sloane Zelnik who called Nguyen up on the phone and ripped her a new one. Zelnik said "She must not have taken PR 101, where they teach you: When you're trying to steal other people's clients, don't diss your own."
David Chappelle's Tupac Skit: Hillarious!
Eva Longoria Looks Desperate Without her Makeup

Rule #4080: Industry people are shady. That applies to PR people as well. In what is probably one of her most embarrassing moments, Lil Kim's publicist 5WPR exec Tracey Nguyen sent an email to Britney Spear's manager Dan Dymtrow criticizing Spears' much-talked-about, unflattering interview with Matt Lauer.
According to Lowdown's Lloyd Grove who was given a copy of the email by Dymtrow, Nguyen wrote to Brit's manager: "I would NEVER allow any of my clients to do an interview, let alone such an important one as the one that Britney just did, without being there to make sure that the questions that were being asked were appropriate, and also to make sure that she looked her best on camera at all times."
Offering to handle Brit "for less than what your current publicist is charging you and do 10 times better of a job," Nguyen claimed: "A perfect example that I can present is what I was able to do for Lil' Kim. Two years ago, no one wanted to touch her. She was perceived as a raunchy rapper who had gone way too far with her plastic surgery. … I see Britney today in the same position that Kim was once in."
Lloyd Grove shared the email with Brit's longtime uber-publicist Leslie Sloane Zelnik who called Nguyen up on the phone and ripped her a new one. Zelnik said "She must not have taken PR 101, where they teach you: When you're trying to steal other people's clients, don't diss your own."
David Chappelle's Tupac Skit: Hillarious!
Eva Longoria Looks Desperate Without her Makeup

Listen: Diddy Presents Danity Kane's New Single Showstopper

The jury is still out on this song. And why are they singing about materialistic things they can't even afford and don't even own? Maybe this is their wish list.
NBA Star Crashes Truck While Watching Porn and Masturbating
(CBS) MINNEAPOLIS On March 30, Minnesota Timberwolves center Eddie Griffin was drunk and masturbating when he crashed his luxury SUV into a parked Suburban outside a store in Minneapolis, according to a lawsuit filed Thursday by the man whose Suburban was hit in the crash.
WCCO-TV obtained copies of 911 calls and store surveillance video of the incident, along with an accident report the police submitted to the state, reports WCCO-TV's Caroline Lowe.
Several of the 911 callers that night said Griffin was drunk. One witness said Griffin told him he was watching pornography in a DVD player mounted on the dashboard of his Cadillac Escalade SUV when he struck a Chevy Suburban parked on University Avenue Southeast.
The location where Griffin crashed is located a couple miles from the Target Center where Griffin had played with his team several hours earlier.
Abed Hassuneh, who is the brother of the victim, said Griffin told him, "That he was masturbating himself going down that street. That's how the accident happened because he was not paying attention. He's paying attention to that video and all of a sudden he's shoveled somebody's car on the top of the sidewalk."
Griffin's damaged SUV was towed to the Minneapolis impound lot.
Full Story

(CBS) MINNEAPOLIS On March 30, Minnesota Timberwolves center Eddie Griffin was drunk and masturbating when he crashed his luxury SUV into a parked Suburban outside a store in Minneapolis, according to a lawsuit filed Thursday by the man whose Suburban was hit in the crash.
WCCO-TV obtained copies of 911 calls and store surveillance video of the incident, along with an accident report the police submitted to the state, reports WCCO-TV's Caroline Lowe.
Several of the 911 callers that night said Griffin was drunk. One witness said Griffin told him he was watching pornography in a DVD player mounted on the dashboard of his Cadillac Escalade SUV when he struck a Chevy Suburban parked on University Avenue Southeast.
The location where Griffin crashed is located a couple miles from the Target Center where Griffin had played with his team several hours earlier.
Abed Hassuneh, who is the brother of the victim, said Griffin told him, "That he was masturbating himself going down that street. That's how the accident happened because he was not paying attention. He's paying attention to that video and all of a sudden he's shoveled somebody's car on the top of the sidewalk."
Griffin's damaged SUV was towed to the Minneapolis impound lot.
Full Story
HollyHood Divorce Court Drama

Supacindy also has the scoop on Berry and Benet. Sounds like it all started with a quote in last week’s In Touch magazine. Commenting on her divorce settlement with ex-husband Eric Benet, actress Halle Berry said she “finds it difficult to pay money to a man who cheated on me, like, 27 times." Benet read the qoute and got his undies in a bundle; reportedly telling the New York Post "Straight out, that's a lie and a gross, gross exaggeration of what happened in our marriage,” the singer told the newspaper, adding that he has not received any money from the “X-Men” star, nor has he asked for money.
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Hogan Does Hip Hop: Brooke Hogan's New Video featuring Paul Wall
One of our many guilty pleasures in the 'Hood is VH1's reality show about Hulk Hogan's family called "Hogan Knows Best." A recent episode of the show was more like "Making the Video" since it featured Hulk's daughter Brooke,who has been signed to super producer Scott Storch's new record label, preparing for and making the video for her new single "About Us." We like the beat, but Ms. Hogan doesn't scream "HIP HOP" to us, thank goodness Paul Wall is on the track to give it some credibility. But with the horrible state of Top 40 radio today, don't be surprised if "About Us" is in heavy rotation in the coming months. Here's the video.
Eva the Diva VS Christina Millian?

"Hello everyone. We here at ETD don't know if you all have heard of or caught wind of a one-sided rivalry between Eva and other females in entertainment. Christina Milian is said to have "dissed" Eva in her single, "Who's Gonna Ride." She does say, and we quote, "Be easy, cause it's plain to see that them Eva's and them Vida's that can't add up to me boy." Wendy Williams has stated on her radio talk show that Christina was targeting Eva and model Vida Gurrera because she claims her ex-boyfriend, Nick Cannon, cheated on her with Eva and Vida. But whatever the issue understand that Eva is a lady, a professional and does not associate with such dramas and understand that these accusations are simply false.
As of recent professional news with The Diva, Eva has a new film coming to theaters everywhere September 1, 2006. Check out the movies website by clicking here. While you are there you can view the trailer."
As many may know she is also on a new Fox sitcom titled "The Wedding Album" where she plays a character by the name of Gretchen. Look for the show this Fall or next Spring on the FOX network.
Sniff sniff.....do we smell a clothing line? We'll just keep this foggy until further notice. And to think you all thought Ms.Pigford was missing in action."
PETA Wants Jay-Z Next

June 30, 2006
Holla at me Jigga!
An open letter to Mr. Shawn Carter aka Jay-Z,
Allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Ain Drew, and I run PETAWorld, the division of PETA reaching out to the hip-hop community and encouraging heads to show love for animals. Please give me a chance to set the record straight and hopefully find some common ground so we can create a dialogue on the issue of fur in hip-hop.
As you know, PETA recently won an auction to dine with Beyonce Knowles, and during dinner we questioned her about the use of fur in her clothing line House of Dereon. I overheard your comments on CNN Showbiz Tonight, when you said that even though our "tactics are lacking in sensitivity," you believe that we have "a noble and good cause." Point taken. But what you may not realize is that we have tried over and over again to contact both Beyonce and House of Dereon about the horrible way animals are treated when killed for their fur, and we haven't gotten so much as a hit back. We thought this might be a way to get her ear.
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BET Awards: Bootleg Entertainment Television
Unlike most folks in the Blogworld, we weren't quite as excited about the BET Awards which aired live last week. We weren't even going to blog about this topic, but this weekend's reruns of the show made us change our minds. We tried to watch the show when it aired live last week, but we couldn't stomach Damon "Not Funny at All" Wayans as a host -especially after he did that horrible impersonation of Biggie- and quickly turned the station after watching TI perform "Whatcha Know About That?" a capella due to technical difficulties. If you missed it, you can watch it here, it's quite painful.
Funny thing is, the network has added TI's music in on the rerun, and it still sounds horrible. They also edited out all of the other unfortunate mishaps. The folks at BET, or as we like to call it, Bootleg Entertainment Television, should be ashamed of themselves. We're NOT looking forward to next year's show.
Funny thing is, the network has added TI's music in on the rerun, and it still sounds horrible. They also edited out all of the other unfortunate mishaps. The folks at BET, or as we like to call it, Bootleg Entertainment Television, should be ashamed of themselves. We're NOT looking forward to next year's show.