Eva the Diva VS Christina Millian?

"Hello everyone. We here at ETD don't know if you all have heard of or caught wind of a one-sided rivalry between Eva and other females in entertainment. Christina Milian is said to have "dissed" Eva in her single, "Who's Gonna Ride." She does say, and we quote, "Be easy, cause it's plain to see that them Eva's and them Vida's that can't add up to me boy." Wendy Williams has stated on her radio talk show that Christina was targeting Eva and model Vida Gurrera because she claims her ex-boyfriend, Nick Cannon, cheated on her with Eva and Vida. But whatever the issue understand that Eva is a lady, a professional and does not associate with such dramas and understand that these accusations are simply false.
As of recent professional news with The Diva, Eva has a new film coming to theaters everywhere September 1, 2006. Check out the movies website by clicking here. While you are there you can view the trailer."
As many may know she is also on a new Fox sitcom titled "The Wedding Album" where she plays a character by the name of Gretchen. Look for the show this Fall or next Spring on the FOX network.
Sniff sniff.....do we smell a clothing line? We'll just keep this foggy until further notice. And to think you all thought Ms.Pigford was missing in action."
She's barely modeling clothes so how is she starting a clothing line? I see another FETISH in the works tho' I don't think hers will make it as far as FETISH.
Hoe Sit Down!
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