Here's the Thing...Jamie Foxx CAN'T Sing

New Rule: Black folks are not allowed to use the race card to promote wack television specials. News flash Jamie, NBC didn't promote your tv music special because, quite frankly, there ain't nothing special about it! Holla back...Miss PR
Oh you are soooo damn stupid! I said the smae thing when watching the much anticipated special. What a bore...the little ghetto skits in between were a mess also. I wasn't really impressed, though I do think Jamie can sing it's hard for me to understand why he was sounding kind suss on this "special" Damn Jamie!!!!!
I was disappointed with the special too. Jamie can sing, no doubt. I thought his background props where terrible. I was a little confused with the inbetween story w/ his grandmother. I liked it but it didn't fit with the rest of the program to me. Too much RAP. The guest where fine. He needs to learn breathing techniques. I felt like he talked his way through most of songs. I didn't see anything on line the day after. Today is the 01/31/06. The song about his grandmother at the end was excellent.
Jamie Foxx cannot sing. Anyone who has to use Auto-tune and Vocoder to digitally alter their vocals is not doing do for the art of music. He's a phoney who's looking to cash in on everything while he can. His radio show coworkers used racist comments directed towards Miley Cyrus a while back and no one in show business had the balls to make a peep about that. What a shame.
People who think Jamie Foxx can't sing need to listen to him actually SING. That showcase didn't showcase his talent. J.Foxx is easily one of the top 10 R&B vocalist out right now. And he is dope on the piano. I think his songs are lame though.
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